A prestigious wrestling belt, emblematic of the United States Championship. Bold fabric adorned with the United States flag seamlessly integrated into the background. The word "NEW" elegantly positioned atop, while "United States Champion" declares at the bottom. Luxurious black leather strap complements multicolored plates. A regal eagle centerpiece, complete with intricate crests and symbols, embodies strength and victory, all rendered in lifelike realism.

A prestigious wrestling belt, emblematic of the United States Championship. Bold fabric adorned with the United States flag seamlessly integrated into the background. The word "NEW" elegantly positioned atop, while "United States Champion" declares at the bottom. Luxurious black leather strap complements multicolored plates. A regal eagle centerpiece, complete with intricate crests and symbols, embodies strength and victory, all rendered in lifelike realism.

Created with AI Wrestling Belt Creator

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